Collector’s Pledge

Columbia Collection Service contributes to the success of its clients, consumers and the positive reputation of the collection industry through services, advocacy and leadership.  We serve our industry, members of the health care industry, patients of health care providers and our community at large. We value respect, embrace integrity, provide quality service, and leadership. We are professionals who specialize in collecting healthcare debt and understand services such as these will always be performed with sensitivity to each health care providers mission. In addition, Columbia Collection services retail, and commercial debts while upholding the Collector’s Pledge:

  • I believe every person has worth as an individual.
  • I believe every person should be treated with dignity and respect.
  • I will make it my personal responsibility to help consumers find ways to pay their just debts.
  • I will be professional and ethical.
  • I commit to honoring this pledge.

Meet Our Key Team Members:

Michelle Galvan

Megan Tyler

Melinda Jackson

Garrett Ferguson


Samantha Hernandez

Alexandria Lubcyik

Marlys Sands

Chloee Haines

Noel Chambers

Madison Furlow

Colin Schuett

Gina Espinoza

Janet Mitchell